Greta was right.

“You know, at around five or six weeks, just about the time when you’re ready to throw them into the ocean out of frustration, they learn how to smile.”

Or something like that. Ask Erin for the exact quote.

Of course she was right. Erin said he was smiling, but I wasn’t privy to any of them… until Thursday morning. And right there, on the changing table, first thing in the morning, he gave me the biggest smile ever.


It just gets better.

And really, he’s such a good guy, we’re not even close to losing it. Tired, sure, but he’s down to one wake up a night for the last three nights, thanks to Alys’ tip to top him off with formula for the night feedings. Works a charm. Give him a couple of ounces of formula on top of his normal feed, and presto! 4-5 hours of continuous sleep.

Woo hoo!

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